How much power have you given your EGO?

Let's talk about our EGOs, shall we? Noticing our EGO has been a hot topic lately in my coaching sessions. Now the EGO often gets a bad rap, deservingly so at times. But can the EGO also have a positive role in our lives? Can you spot your ego when it is present? And, is it possible to release and let go of this thing called EGO? 

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What Does Inner Freedom Look and Feel Like?

You have invited friends over for a lovely summer gathering, and the neighbors dog barks throughout your entire outdoor dinner party. 

You have waited all year for your weeks' vacation at your favorite beach, and the weather forecast calls for rain the entire time. 

After you have dedicated 10 loyal years, your company informs you that they are eliminating your position! 

Yes, this is life, filled with lots of unpredictability. The question is not how does one avoid these adversities but how to be with them with as much equanimity as possible. 

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Are You Feeling Compassion Fatigue?

When I was a little girl, I considered my dolls to be my best friends, especially JoJo. I truly believed they had hearts that beat, and they felt feelings just like me. At night I would place JoJo and his two sisters in my bed, laying them on the pillow with blankets tucked neatly under their chins so they could breathe.

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How attached are you?

It was the second week of March here in the Northeast after a very cold and icy winter. Not a day in the last three months went by when I didn’t have to wear a heavy coat, mittens, hat, and spikes attached to my boots in order to walk outside.

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Is worrying consuming all your bandwidth?

What is there not to WORRY about lately? Let's face it; the world has given us plenty to worry about, and I'm not sure how you feel, but recently, worry has certainly been my most dominant, uncomfortable emotion. I am struggling to stay hopeful, especially when some things feel much bigger and more complex than I feel I can control or influence.

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Now What?

Congratulations! If you've been following along as we explored the Life Balance Wheel over the last 8-weeks, your wheel is now completed. You now have a view, an inventory, of your current life! If your wheel was to roll down the hallway, would it be a bit of a bumpy ride? Are you able to notice the areas of your life that you are most satisfied with are the areas you have put the most energy into?

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​​How much do you enjoy your physical environment?

Here we are on week 8 of exploring the Life Balance Wheel, and I would like to congratulate you on sticking with this journey and taking an inventory of your life. Today the last pie piece on the wheel is all about your environment. Your environment has to do with various things. It can begin by asking how satisfied are you with the part of the world or country you live in? Your community? And, very importantly, your home?

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How much fun do you have?

It is week seven of exploring the Life Balance Wheel, and we are going to talk about F.U.N. How much fun do you have in your life, and if given the opportunity and time, do you easily give yourself self-permission to have fun? Although experiencing "fun and recreation" in life sounds easy, many people struggle with this area. You see, this area is actually a bit complex as it can reveal a lot about old and deep conditioning.

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