About Izzy


Who Is Izzy Lenihan? 

Izzy is a life Career and wellness coach who has spent nearly 25 years helping people achieve goals in all areas of their life.  Her career began at a world renowned health and wellness resort and today in addition to being part of the coaching faculty at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, she also owns and operates Prescription for Life, a successful life coaching business applying her experience, knowledge and skills to help people transform and improve their lives in ways they never imagined possible. 

What is Life Coaching?  

Coaching is one of the most powerful tools for change, designed to inspire and shift the most important areas of your life; health, relationships, career or simply discovering your passion, purpose or lost JOY.   Unlike a therapist who spends a lot of time in the past – coaches help people understand where they are today and focus on moving them forward by unlocking their own brilliance and offering support and accountability along the journey.  Life coaching is often described as fun and fast moving and a powerful way to get results. 

How is Coaching Done? 

Coaching can be done in person however modern technology offers easy and effective ways to experience coaching no matter how busy your schedule may be or wherever you may live in the world.  Izzy offers private consults in person, via telephone, and visual technology.

Can coaching be done in a group format?    

Yes, Izzy facilitates small or large group workshops in your business, organization or events.  Whether choosing one particular topic to inspire an audience or facilating an objective or goal for a specific group over a period of time. 

What is Wellness in the Workplace?  

 Izzy and the Prescription for Life Well-Being Team comprised of; Health Coaches,  Nutritionists, Medical Doctors, Fitness Experts, Whole Food Cooking Chefs and Yoga teachers,  has successfully provided life changing health improvement experiences for employers and their staff.  Resulting in significant health changes, increased job satisfaction, improved work performance, and measurable decrease in health insurance premiums for businesses.  Whether you are a small family owned business or large corporation, Izzy and her team can provide an affordable customized health program to meet the needs for the business and its individuals.